Is My Website Trustworthy?

Your business is built on trust. In this Age of Technology, within the first five seconds, prospective clients go online to “check out your business” by Googling you, looking you up on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. And, for sure, your website will speak volumes of your company! Will it pass muster? Here are some ideas:

Consistent Style and Design Choices – Consistency is a warm blanket that will help your customers feel comfortable with your business. It greatly contributes to brand recognition, which will make your website stand out and be more easily remembered. If customers tend to recognize and eventually remember your company, they will most likely continue to buy from you.

Present Yourself to Your Customers – Very few people trust an online entity that does not make a measured attempt to introduce itself. So, to gain trust from potential customers, make bold and complete statements on your website such as a simple introduction and a very noticeable mission statement or an “About Us” page.

Be Mobile-Friendly – Nowadays, so many people use their smartphones of other mobile devices, so it’s a good idea to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. While many companies already practice this, some don’t bother to test their mobile site or they use a non-universal design. Updating multiple versions of a website can take a very long time, add to inconsistencies, and increase potential errors.

Create Helpful Content – This is probably one of the easiest and more dependable thing to do. It builds a durable bond of trust that can help your business soar. Mix your content with informative articles and casual blog-style posts. You might want to link the informative articles to important product or service pages, which will encourage visitors to spend more time on your website and learn more about your services.

A call-to-action will help for added engagement and direction, but ensure that your visitors are served first to maximize trust-building. If your website comes across like a used car salesman, you know it’s going to turn potential clients away. Including helpful, educational content can encourage visitors to return to your website, which can lead to the beginning of a trusting relationship.

The philosophy of building trust online is no different than building trust in person. You always want to present yourself consistently so people can develop an understanding as to what you’re all about. It’s also important to deliver the goods/services that you advertise. Earning trust is all about developing relationships with people. So, when you put yourself “out there” on the Internet, be sure it’s a good representation of you as a business owner so consumers can learn to depend on you and eventually TRUST you.

If you would like to know more, please contact us.

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