6 Things You Cannot Do with a Spreadsheet

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many of us love spreadsheets because they are a great way to manage tabular data like fiscal year projections.  However, over the course of time, many people started to adopt spreadsheets as the solution to manage their contact records. This may work for a while, but here is the problem. Managing contact records is more than entering information. It is about relationships and communication. Spreadsheets are not relational or communication tools. CRM (customer relationship management) platforms were built for this very reason.

Let’s look at 6 things you can do with a CRM, but you cannot do with a spreadsheet.

  1. See the big picture of what your sales team is doing. With a CRM, each salesperson has an account and can update information in real-time. This means you can see who they contacted, where they are in the sales funnel, and what they are doing to move the customer through the sales funnel to conversion.
  2. Sales Team Collaboration. When everyone is working together and can see each other’s progress, the sales team can collaborate more effectively. Your sales team can identify ways to help each other close sales faster. This is difficult when you have daily spreadsheets floating around inboxes for two reasons. 1) the spreadsheet is never in real-time and 2) if there are multiple versions of the spreadsheet, it increases the risk of inaccurate information.
  3. Consistent Workflow. When you use a CRM, like X2CRM, you can configure it to follow your workflow sales process. This way, you can manage every stage of your workflow. You do not have to worry about someone manipulating or changing the workflow by adding a new step which is likely in a spreadsheet. When configured according to your workflow, the CRM guides the sales process through each stage which keeps everyone on task from sales to the bookkeeper.
  4. Automated tasks. CRMs can automate specific tasks in each stage. Spreadsheets cannot do this. Examples of automated tasks include follow-up emails, reminders, routine sales-related tasks, and automated responses. Automation takes day-to-day and time-consuming tasks off your plate so you can be more efficient and effective developing business.
  5. Integrate with other tools. You will never find one tool that can do everything. That is why CRMs offer the ability to integrate with other tools. The brains behind the CRMs do this because they know they need to focus on the core features and functionality of the CRM. It is in their best interest to integrate and integration actually makes the CRM more effective. Many CRMs integrate with popular communication and marketing tools like Slack, Mailchimp, and Buffer. Spreadsheets cannot do this.
  6. Measure KPIs. CRMs give you the ability to measure your KPIs. If you are not sure what a KPI is, you can learn more on our blog about how you can use your CRM to measure your KPIs. Many CRMs have visual data dashboards to help you see if you are reaching your goals, where you are falling short, and what you can do to improve. Spreadsheets cannot create real-time data dashboards. It involves you knowing what you are looking for and creating a report, sometimes with the help of another tool. CRMs do this for you.

If you are still using a spreadsheet to manage and analyze contacts, you may be missing out on sales opportunities to grow your company, your salespeople, and your team. Spreadsheets are meant for numbers and formulas, not customer relationships. It is time to migrate to a CRM, and if you are not sure where to start, we can help. Contact us at jonr@cccsolutions.com or 301-332-0613.

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