3 Ways to Close More Sales with Less Follow Up Fatigue

Do you ever ask yourself:

  • Did I follow up with the prospect I met last week?
  • Where are my notes from yesterday’s meeting?
  • Who did I tell I would call today?

Many of us use “sticky notes” and spreadsheets to manage our tasks and follow-up. When those sticky notes get stuck together and your spreadsheets become unwieldy, Follow Up Fatigue (FUF) sets in.

FUF sets in when we are reactive and bogged down with manual, repetitive, follow-up tasks and emails. FUF produces stress and reduces your ability to complete your highest priorities.

Help Me Overcome Follow Up Fatigue

What can you do to overcome FUF? How can you improve your follow-up so that nothing slips through the cracks? Throw away your sticky notes and start using a robust CRM to achieve your marketing and sales goals.

Here are 3 proven actions that you can use:

  1. Segment your contacts into smaller groups using Dynamic Lists.
  2. Automate routine, repetitive tasks.
  3. Use templates that autofill based on their purpose.

Do not despair as help is on the way!

Segment Your Contacts

Your customers do not buy the same way. Their buying behaviors are influenced by geography, age, gender, industry, and social media preferences. If you send a single message to everyone, it will not be very effective and will turn off those contacts for whom it is not relevant.

Segmenting your contacts in your CRM with dynamic lists helps you send messages to your customers based on specific criteria. Every time you add a new contact that meets your criteria, they are added to the list. You will no longer need to rely on sticky notes or spreadsheets to compile your mailing lists.

For example, if you sell roof and gutter services, create a dynamic list to send emails or texts to customers who have purchased a roof from you but not to gutter cleaning clients. Or you are an insurance agent and want to reach attorneys in a specific geographic area. In both cases, send messaging that is relevant, show each audience that you are the technical resource on which to depend, and you will close more sales.

Automate Routine Tasks

What happens when you meet a new prospect? What happens when you receive an inbound inquiry from your website? Often, we write emails that say the same thing each time. Imagine if you clicked a button and a personalized email was sent. Imagine if an email was sent once per week for 3 weeks describing your product so that your prospect gains confidence in what you sell.

Think about how you will spend your time when you no longer must do the tedious, repetitive follow up. Most salespeople do not follow up at all. With a robust CRM, you can send yourself reminders to call your prospect while sending emails through your CRM. Combine “high touch and hi tech” and watch as sales increase.

Help Your Sales Team with Custom Templates

Salespeople often are bad writers. When you have multiple salespeople working for you and each writes its own emails, they are wasting valuable time. When someone uses the old logo, it makes you look bad, and your reputation suffers.

Create a set of personalized email templates for the key parts of your sales process and your sales team will spend more time nurturing their best prospects.


Follow Up Fatigue is real for business owners and salespeople. It is draining and keeps us from closing more sales. If you are not using a CRM or need a CRM with more robust capabilities, we would love to show you how businesses like yours achieve their goals with X2CRM. Contact us today to schedule a demo

FREE ebook:
Build More Revenue with Less Follow Up Fatigue

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