What to Look for in a Videographer to Make Great Sales Videos

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Video marketing is something that cannot be ignored. We know that this is the direction that marketing is going. It is necessary for your marketing which is why we share the need to incorporate it into your selling strategy. However, even with the amazing technology of smartphone video, it may still be out of our reach for a couple of reasons.

  • We might not be that tech-savvy
  • We do not have the creative eye needed to create stunning videos
  • We do not have the time to write a script and plan out the video

There is no reason to fear. There are videographers that can help us market ourselves with video without breaking the bank. With so many videographers available, how do you know who to hire? To help with this, there are four questions that you can ask them to help you make a decision.

  1. Do they have a recent portfolio? It is always good to see their work so you can get an understanding of their style. There may be a videographer who creates stunning videos for retail stores but maybe too creative for an accounting firm and vice versa. There may be a videographer that is more conservative in its creativity and knows the accounting industry well but does not have the creative edge that is expected for a musician. Both are great videographers with styles that fit certain industries.
  2. Can they tell stories through video?When you watch their video, are they telling a story or just putting frames together to make a “nice video”. You want to look for videographers who are storytellers that can help you lead people to action. People like stories from commercials to advertising. It is the story crafted within the video that people remember.
  3. Can they provide the final video for specific digital platforms and formats?As digital landscapes continue to evolve; video platforms and formats are changing alongside them. If you need video formatted for Instagram, LinkedIn, your website, and YouTube ads, does the videographer know the requirements for format, length, and size? Can they provide recommendations? It is important that they can guide you, so you don’t have to do the research and then tell them.
  4. Do they give you ownership of your raw footage and final videos?There are some companies – graphics, video, web development – who retain ownership of original files and final products. Make sure you ask before you commit to working with them that you have ownership of all assets, footage, and final videos. You do not know if you will need the originals or footage down the road. Regardless, you paid for the work, so you should have ownership.

We have worked with videographers over the years, so we would like to recommend two videographers who do great work. They are storytellers and they have the expertise to help you create stunning videos to help you attract qualified leads.

Sharon Sobel specializes in consulting, event coverage, webcasts, and marketing video. She can be contacted at sharon@picturethisvideo.net or 703-280-4200.

Barry Katz has 30+ years of experience and produces marketing videos for large and small businesses. His real estate unit works with real estate agents and brokers to produce video house tours, personal marketing bios, and information community videos. He can be contacted at barrybsk@gmail.com or 301-728-3624.

In a time where selling is becoming a contactless industry and in-person meetings are rare, video is a great alternative. If you have questions about video marketing, please contact us by filling out the form below. We would love to talk to you.


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