More Sales Less Effort

Do you want to make more sales with less effort? If so, put your feet in your buyer’s shoes and imagine your buyer’s journey. The buyer’s journey, according to Hubspot, is a three-stage process.

  • Awareness: The buyer realizes they have a problem
  • Consideration: The buyer defines their problem and researches options to solve it
  • Decision: The buyer chooses a solution.

As a part of your sales process, you need to understand the stage at which your prospects are and what can you do to build our relationship with them.  You need to deliver content that is relevant to each stage and engage your prospects with helpful ideas to make their journey easy and fun.

More Sales Less Effort

It takes time nurture a qualified sales lead, so what can we do to improve the maturation of the sales cycle and convert the buyer to a customer more quickly? The answers are meaningful content and marketing automation. Sales leads are generated when a prospect has a need and they are aware of you because your marketing is educational, relevant and consistent.

We generate sales leads when we produce content and calls-to-action (prompting an immediate response) that are relevant to each stage. When the buyer engages with us, we take their information and help lead them through the journey to becoming a customer.

What Is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation uses technology to automate tasks such as sending emails and scheduling social media posts. There are several marketing automation platforms including Hubspot, SproutSocial, Hootsuite, and our CRM that allow you to easily automate these tasks.

How Can Marketing Automation Improve Your Sales Cycle?

Content and automation are a powerful combination to help you achieve your sales goals. Using content and calls to action to meet your prospective buyer at every step of the buyer’s journey often compels them to engage with you and eventually do business with you. Marketing automation adds a deeper level of relationship building, understanding, and efficiency through the following:

  • Consistent Follow-up: From the first point of entry, you can send scheduled messages from welcome to reminders to suggestions.
  • Track Website Behavior: After the buyer’s initial contact with you, track when they return to your website and what they do on the website.
  • Smart Data Collection: As they continue to engage with you, you begin to collect additional data through “smart” forms based on information they have already given you. This way you are not overwhelming them with data collection overload.
  • CRM integration: Marketing automation integrates with your CRM so you can track behavioral interaction and have a better understanding of their needs, so when you reach out to them electronically or personally, you will complete the sales cycle more efficiently.

Is marketing automation a part of your sales strategy? Are you performing tasks that can be done more efficiently and effectively with automation? It is time to evaluate your sales cycle? If so, FILL OUT the form to the right for a free consultation.

FREE ebook:
Build More Revenue with Less Follow Up Fatigue

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