Do you know how people are interacting ON your website?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Every marketing professional will tell you the importance of Google Analytics, so you can see how people come to your site. It will help you see how long they are on your website, which pages they visit, and some demographic information. This is good data. It can help you know if people are visiting the right pages. It can help you see if they are following your lead funnel (i.e. land on a specific page, click on a product, and follow through with a conversion).

But how are they interacting ON your website?

When we say interaction, we are talking about scrolling, clicking, and movement. Are they filling out your contact form? Are they interacting with your content such as watching a video, downloading a PDF, scheduling a demo?

You may say “Yes” to each question, and that is great, but what about all the missed opportunities?

Let’s use an example. Andrew and Beth own an insurance agency. They have a CRM contact form on their website for customers to contact them for a quote. Here’s the problem. No one is contacting them. They made sure that the form works and records data in their CRM. They made sure their website is working. They are showing up in search engine results. So why is no one filling out the form?

Andrew and Beth decided to see how people interact on their website. They decided to try a heatmap and session replay tool. After a few days, they could see where people were moving their mouse and clicking. They learned two things.

  1. Their form was too far down on the page. Most people who wanted to make a quick decision did not scroll that far.
  2. Their form was too long. Everyone abandoned the form about halfway through filling it out.

Andrew and Beth reworked their landing page layout and moved the form higher. They also decided for the initial touchpoint, first name, last name, email, and phone number were all they needed. By making these two changes, they started attracting qualified leads.

Many of us can relate to Andrew and Beth, so what can we do to improve interaction on your website. Here a couple of tips to consider:

Understand your buyer’s journey

Your buyer has a problem, and you have a solution. Re-evaluate your website and ask yourself, does the customer know that I understand their need? Is my solution clearly stated? Can they easily and quickly contact me? Now, look at your website and see if the content, layout, and user experience support your answers.

Am I asking for too much?

We want to know all that we can about a potential customer, but the first touchpoint may not be the place to gather all the information. If you are not getting very many leads, look at your contact form. Do you need anything more than the name, email, and phone number as the first touchpoint? If you are asking too much, your potential customer may have second thoughts in the middle of a contact form that has more than 5 fields. Ask for what you need to get the contact into your CRM and then nurture the contact from there.

Use your CRM’s to track landing page visits

A good CRM allows you to track who came to your website from a link in your email. When someone clicks the link, the email recipient’s address is captured and tied to the recipient’s contact records. Review your campaign results and you will see who clicked on the link and visited your site.

Subscribe to a heatmap and session replay tool

Just like Google Analytics measures visits and activity, there are platforms that track interaction. Consider looking at Mouseflow or CrazyEgg. Both platforms will track mouse movement, clicks, and other interactions. With the help of their heatmaps, you will see if people are scrolling to the area that you want them to go or if there is an obstacle in the way like a decorative image. You can see if they are clicking the right elements or elements that are not clickable. Both services have a monthly fee, but that fee may be the difference between an empty pipeline or a full pipeline.


You can have the most beautiful website, but if people are not interacting and contacting you, then it is just beautiful and nothing more. Your website needs to be a marketing asset that attracts qualified leads. If you have questions or need help making your website a profitable marketing asset, contact us at 301-332-0613 or fill out the form. We would love to help you.

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