Using Video to Tell Your Story: Why You Need to Incorporate Video into Selling Today

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Video marketing has been on the rise for several years and it continues to rise. According to Smart Insights, people will spend 100 minutes a day watching online videos in 2021. This is a 19% increase from 2019. The same article says that 92% of marketers see video as an important part of their marketing strategy.

Video is not just for marketing it is also a vital part of sales and nurturing customers. Many product-focused businesses are turning to video as an asset to provide support for their customers. When a customer or prospect clicks on the video link, your CRM can respond with follow up steps and additional information. As you engage with your target audience you can provide educational information that leads a prospect to purchase from you. YouTube is the second most researched database next to Google. Adding a video to your website will make it easier for people to find you and will drive visitors to your website.

In fact, we recently produced a new video about the importance of a CRM. We are excited to share it and look forward to hearing your feedback.



The affordable cost is not the only reason to produce a video for your business. Here are some great reasons to use video on your website.

  1. Video can be the door to a conversation and a sale. When people watch a short video about your product or service, they see why you are important to them. Video, as the first touchpoint, often guides them to become a qualified lead.
  2. People would rather watch a video about a product than reading about it. Short explainer videos give your audience the opportunity to see the product in action. If they are considering your product, a video will have more impact than a brochure.
  3. Video saves customers time. If they have a question about your product and can find the answer in a library of 1-2 minute how-to videos, rather than sitting on the phone, they will thank you for it.
  4. Search engines love websites with videos. Are you trying to stay competitive in search engine results? Consider creating video, creating a YouTube channel, and adding it to your website. You are 53% more likely to show up in Google results if you have a video on your website.
  5. Videos increase brand awareness. When people watch your videos, they remember the images and messages in your video. This helps them to remember you and think of you first when they need the services and products that you offer.


Now is the time to integrate video into your marketing and selling strategy. Businesses that use video as the first touchpoint as well as a tool to nurture customers see a higher conversion rate and retention.  We would love to talk to you about your video strategy or help you create a video strategy. Contact us with the form below or call 301-332-0613.

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