Look Like A Champ With MS Office 2016 (Part 3)

This is the third part of the benefits of MS Office 2016.

Power BI – This is Microsoft’s cloud-based “business intelligence” technology. Power BI helps you, as a business owner, access and analyze data in user-friendly formats such as dashboards, reports, and datasets. You can also scrutinize every little detail about your business’ operation and efficiency, which is integral to your success.

Delve – In simple terms, Delve is as a “central location that gives you access to everything you have created, shared, or collaborated on using Office 2016.” It helps you discover information that’s likely to be most interesting to you right now, e.g., most recently worked on list. You don’t have to remember a document’s title or where it’s stored, and can access it from any device no matter where you are.

Purchase Choices – Long gone are the days of buying a box of CDs at the store. Today subscriptions are the norm, but there still are other choices. The best value is an Office 365 subscription, which includes Office 2016 plus all the cloud services. And for business owners, there is Office 365 for Business, which offers several choices.

If you would like to know more, please contact us.

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