Increase Sales and Reduce Follow Up Fatigue Using Your CRM Dashboard

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We all seek to increase sales or, in some cases, to increase donations and memberships. If this is your goal, then what you measure will determine your level of success. When you look at what drives your success, you are likely to find the key factors to track in your CRM dashboard.

Your CRM dashboard is the ideal place to track the key variables that impact your rate of sales, donations and memberships. If your sources of new sales are new prospects, new proposals, referrals, and existing client expansion, then tracking these activities becomes the foundation for your CRM dashboard. When you know what you are tracking and you set up your CRM to do the tracking, your entire sales team will experience less follow up fatigue (FUF)!

When we experience FUF, we are in a reactive mode rather than being proactive and more effort is required to generate new sales. When you or your sales team know what is being measured and tracked, one’s behavior changes to achieve the objectives displayed on the dashboard. All of a sudden, the entire team is rowing in the same direction, and sales increase.

Setting up a dashboard is much easier than choosing the right factors to track. A good CRM will display the data that is being collected in a meaningful way once you know what you want to track. As examples, some of our clients’ track:

  • The number of new contacts per month.
  • The number of new referrals per month.
  • Number of new proposals per month
  • Opportunities by stage of their sales pipeline.
  • New Sales per month
  • Growth in sales from existing clients.

These are just examples and need to be tailored to your specific circumstances.

One of our clients knew that she needed to expand sales to her current clients but had no idea what to do first. She described several success stories that showed why certain clients purchased multiple products. As she began to understand her client’s behavior patterns, she saw certain trends that indicated the characteristics of those clients that purchased multiple products from her.

In the beginning, she had no CRM dashboard. As she realized the importance of tracking those patterns, she set up her dashboard to show:

  • The number of calls and emails to existing clients per month.
  • The number of existing client proposals delivered per month.
  • The number of clients purchasing multiple products per month.
  • The number of existing client referrals to new clients.

Very quickly, her sales team caught on and started focusing on her current client base. Over the next year, sales to existing clients increased by 25% with less effort. Not only did she sell more products to current clients, but client loyalty shot up as measured by the referrals she began to receive. By measuring client activity, our client and her sales team created success!

Regardless of your goals, you can set up your dashboard to tell you how you are doing. When you direct your energy to achieve the goals measured in the dashboard, you will achieve your results with less effort. By eliminating “Follow Up Fatigue (FUF), you will be freed up to focus on higher priorities which again will help you achieve the success you are seeking.

Whether you are your organization’s owner, CEO, Director of Giving or Membership or the sales manager, what we measure and track influences how we act. Define the key factors that will enable you to achieve your goals and track and communicate your progress. Watch as your trends turn positive and you have more time for family, your interests or to close your next sale.

To learn more about creating CRM dashboards or, if you need to implement a CRM, contact us at 301-332-0613 or fill out the form below.


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Build More Revenue with Less Follow Up Fatigue

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