Help…I am Drowning in Salespeople Follow-Up!

Imagine a company with 5 salespeople that doesn’t have a CRM system. It’s like running a business with your hands tied behind your back.


Mary and Pat Dealmaker have owned 2Ds Business Brokerage (2D) for 5 years. Three years ago, they hired 2 salespeople. Mary, the sales manager, spent all her time tracking everyone’s leads, opportunities, and relationships. She managed it all in spreadsheets and emails, and it was a nightmare.

Mary knew she needed help and reached out to her business coach who said – “GET A CRM”.


2Ds’ Needs

Mary and Pat listed their needs:

  • Automate lead capture – Many buyers submit online forms looking for businesses to buy. 2D missed many submissions.
  • Deal tracking – Has the NDA been signed?
  • Buyer tracking – We need to reach buyers by industry and geography.
  • Deal room – We need to display businesses for sale so buyers can see them. 
  • Track all prospect and customer interactions in 1 place.

Mary and Pat knew a CRM was the solution to address these needs.


Deals, Deals and More Deals

Mary knew they had more deals than they could handle. She dreamed of a CRM’s impact. Imagine when:

  • Businesses for sale are searchable and displayed on our website.
  • Businesses for sale are tracked in our Deal Funnel.
  • Emails go out promoting businesses for sale to buyers based on their industry and geographic characteristics.
  • Every web submission is answered immediately and tracked for follow-up.
  • All notes, tasks, emails, and documents are all in one central place.

Pat smiled, “Once we set up the CRM to track deals, sellers, buyers, and referrers, we will be light years ahead of where we started and can add more salespeople.


How Did 2D Change its Sales Process?

2D’s CRM implementation focused on deal tracking, buyer outreach, and the deal room.

  • Deal TrackerProspecting new businesses for sale (BFS) and Tracking the BFS once 2D is hired to sell it. Prospect stages include Seller Qualified, 2D Proposal, Negotiation, and Hired to Sell.
  • Once hired, the BFS moves through a set of relevant Deal stages. At each stage, automation remind salespeople of relevant tasks and reach out to sellers.
  • Deal Room – The CRM is used to publish deal stats to 2D’s website. Now buyers see the BFSs 24/7.
  • Buyer Tracking – Buyers have specific business profiles maintained in the CRM to match them with BFSs.
  • Deal Lists – The CRM maintains up-to-date buyer email lists based on buyer profiles including industry and geographic interests.
  • Email Templates – The CRM maintains standard email templates for the emails sent to every buyer and seller. Just click on the template and it auto-populates the email. 
  • Website Submissions – Every submission hits the CRM with emails to Mary and Pat for assignment to the sales team.

2D now has 5 salespeople finding sellers and buyers. “Using our CRM has made us an efficient sales machine.


We closed more sales last year than in our first 2 years combined.”


Imagine the Impact of a CRM on Your Business


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Build More Revenue with Less Follow Up Fatigue

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