Do you have a customer-centric digital marketing strategy?

If you were asked to define “digital marketing”, how would you define it? You may say it is how you market your business by using your website or your social media profiles. You could say that digital marketing is your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. It could be Google adwords. Many of us tend to focus on one area. For instance, a marketing agency may come into your organization to help you provide a digital strategy, but what they are actually focusing on is your web and social presence and putting other areas on the backseat. Another agency may say they are a digital marketing agency, but they focus on SEO.

Our answer? All of the above and then some.

We believe digital marketing is a customer-centric mindset that puts their customers’ needs first and then uses the right avenue such as Google ads, social media, and blogs to reach our customers’ intended audience.

It is important to have the customer-centric mindset in your business. We want to share ways to foster a digital marketing mindset as an organization:

  1. Always take time to understand your customer: It is very easy to make assumptions based on positive past performance, Customer behavior is always evolving. Through consistent feedback from conversations, emails, and surveys, you will be able to stay on top, and even predict, behavioral change.
  2. Do not chase the new shiny object: This may be more for executives and department leaders. Many companies want to be known as cutting edge, but it is better to be known as a smart company. When smart companies listen to their customers, they know when to integrate new technology and platforms and when to continue using existing technology. When you chase the new technology for the sake up being cutting edge, it can often distract from the business goals and cost the organization.
  3. Set goals and adapt as needed: Many organizations take the right step of setting up goals, but do not take the time to adapt the goals to customer trends and behavior. Successful adaption is a digital marketing mindset that shows you are customer-centric. Adapting does not mean you are changing your goal. The end goal is the same but how you get there may need to change.
  4. Hold each other accountable: Customer-centric organizations are team builders. With digital marketing, it is important to hold each other accountable by having weekly or bi-weekly meetings, testing new technology and making a group decision, and constantly talking to your existing customers.

You want 2019 to be successful, so now is the time to evaluate your digital marketing. We would be happy to facilitate the evaluation, please contact us to learn more.

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