CRM Success Starts with Company Leaders

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many of us look at the new year as a time to set priorities and goals. We can all relate to the common personal goals such as exercise consistently, eat better, and sleep more. As business owners and leaders, we set priorities and goals to be a better employer, increase revenue, and grow our brand.

One area that business owners often visit is the CRM strategy for the upcoming year. Just like getting excited about going to the gym with a goal in mind, business owners get excited about a new strategy that will bring growth and revenue. But like the gym where the excitement fades and the going becomes less and less for different reasons, the CRM strategy often has the same fate. How can this be avoided? How can business owners keep the strategy sustainable and meet their goals?

The answer is…It starts with you as the business owner and leader.

This may sound too simple. The answer is simple, but the doing is not. It takes discipline. We are going to look at 3 ways you can lead your team in an effective CRM strategy.

Know the “Why”

Why are you implementing a new CRM strategy? Does it line up with your business goals? Who will be using it? How will they be using it? These are all good questions. If you cannot answer questions around the “whys” and the “who’s”, your team is going to be confused. Your team needs to see the vision and understand why. They also need to know their role and expectations, because, although the common goals will be the same, attaining those goals will be different based on team responsibilities. When you can explain why you are on your way to a successful CRM strategy.

Lead in the CRM strategy

All too often the business owner or leader tells their team that they want to put a CRM strategy in place but do not follow through or do not follow their own strategy.  When team members see this, they question why they need to do it themselves. They all begin to use CRM in their own way which causes confusion and frustration, and in some cases, loss of revenue and customers.

As the business owner or leader, your team is watching you. If you are expecting them to follow a CRM strategy, then you lead by following the strategy. This can be hard especially with all of the other responsibilities of running a business, but perseverance will result in team adoption and use of the CRM strategy. There are a couple of things you can do right off the bat.

  • Resist the urge to cut corners when you are pressed for time.
  • Schedule times throughout the week to make sure the CRM is up-to-date with customer and project information
  • Check-in with your team on a regular basis to make sure they are following the strategy, answer questions, and to help them use it efficiently
  • Find areas in the funnel and processes that can be automated and share that with your team

Your team will follow you. Cut corners and they will cut corners. Put off updating records and data, and they will do the same. But, if you make it a priority to use the CRM and follow the strategy, they will do the same.

Value your team’s feedback

A good business owner and leader know that they do not have all the answers. As you implement your CRM strategy, do not be afraid to ask your team what they think. Is it helping? In their experience with CRM, do they have suggestions to be more effective or efficient? Implementing a CRM strategy is a collaborative effort. When your team feels their feedback is valued, they will put more effort into using the CRM most effectively, because they will feel that they have ownership in the process and the success.


Each way that we shared has one thing in common. Communication. It involves fostering communication along with the CRM. Do this and we believe your team will get on board, use the CRM more effectively, and, as a result, you will see growth this year. If you have a CRM and want to know how to implement a CRM strategy or need to implement a CRM platform, contact us at 301-332-0613 or fill out the form. We would love to help you make this year successful.


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