Converting Common Interests into Sales

What happens when you meet a salesperson who doesn’t stop talking? Does it make a good impression? I doubt it. Most likely, you are turned off. 

In two recent blogs, we focused on the:

Why is this important? That first impression is lasting and getting the other person talking makes that person feel important.

This Could Be You

I know none of us ever walk into the room and act like the salesperson above. Except, sometimes we do. Others confess they are shy and are reluctant to engage. In either case, asking the right questions builds the foundation leading to sales.

Some sales reps say:

  • I don’t have time to get to know a prospect.
  • I didn’t write down what they told me about themselves.
  • We didn’t have anything in common.

The sales managers I know say those are bad sales reps!

Good Questions Lead to Sales

The best opening question to ask is “What do you like to do when not working?” You will see smiles and big eyes in response. So:

  • What are your follow-up questions?
  • How do the answers help you create new sales?

Learning about the other person’s interests demonstrates listening skills that buyers seek.

Civil Engineering is Boring

Micky Jones is a civil engineer, and has a company of 12, including 3 sales reps. He runs the reps and directs client relationships and production. Micky started 4 years ago with 1 staff person.

Micky knew that he was shy and hated networking. “I’m the exact opposite of the sales rep that does not shut up,” he said. “I am shy and reluctant to start a conversation.”

Mickey used our opening line to start a conversation and was amazed. He added several more that focused on hobbies and interests:

  • Where did you grow up?
  • What are some places you want to visit?
  • What are you interested in learning about?
  • In what other organizations are you active?

Very quickly Micky picked up information about his qualified leads. What did he do with his data?

Automate and Segment

Mickey listed 10 questions that he asked his prospects. He entered the answers to these questions in X2CRM. As Mickey’s database grew, he found:

  • Many people with similar interests.
  • Many people from the same towns and cities
  • Some people who were in the same organizations.

Before long, Mickey was making introductions of his qualified prospects and clients to each other.

He used his CRM to match contacts, created segmented lists, and sent automated emails with content focused on relevant topics. What he found was a growing community among clients, prospects, and influencers.

Mickey’s Goals

“I wanted to meet the architects, engineers, and builders in my geographic area, but I am shy and nervous about reaching out,” he said. Mickey set as his goal:

“Demonstrate keen listening skills so that qualified prospects feel important.”

He knew that by sharing interests, hobbies, and backgrounds, he was different than many marketing and salespeople who focus on themselves or talk about their products.

“Civil Engineering is Boring.” or “Better to talk about hobbies!”

It’s hard to differentiate yourself by talking about your products and services. There is so much noise in the marketplace that being heard is a challenge.

Connecting on a Personal Level

Just like you, I like to connect on a personal level. 

Let’s Meet and learn more about Your Favorite Interests

FREE ebook:
Build More Revenue with Less Follow Up Fatigue

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