Building Bridges Between CRM and Social Media

What is social CRM? There are many skeptics out there, but one thing’s for sure. Social CRM is NOT a gimmick. Social CRM simply adds a social scope to the way you view and service your customers and your relationship with them.

Why is social CRM important? We’re certain you’re familiar with this scenario: The marketing department diligently tweets, and posts on Facebook, YouTube and other social media sites – all meticulously crafted to maximize your company’s reach to encourage sharing, retweeting and reader engagement. But no one responds.

In looking further, you see that your clients are all over Facebook and Twitter, chatting about your company … complaining, recommending, or even trying to contact you. But, they’re not hearing from you. So, how can you bridge that gap?

This is where social CRM comes in. A CRM platform that integrates social media allows you to access the same level of awareness you have for more traditional channels, plus the ability to use social tools for communicating internally. This will allow you to monitor and track social media communications using familiar tools, dashboards, and metrics.

With social CRM, your customer can be at the center of your company. You’ll no longer have to force them to use your preferred channel; nor will you lose track of matters when they move to other channels. In fact, you’ll be able to continue to stay involved and answer their questions in their preferred way, without losing your ability to track and manage communications; and all of this on a worldwide scale! You’ll have the best of both worlds: an extensive summary of your brand’s influence and reach, and a detailed view of each client interaction.

Social CRM allows customer service, marketing, and sales to benefit from a more dynamic, comprehensive representation of each individual customer, and uses social tools to interconnect between themselves. The cost of taking care of customers will decline. Your customers will view your company as one that listens to their needs and replies in a manner that suits them, AND across multiple channels. It’s a win-win situation!

If you would like to know more, please contact us.

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Build More Revenue with Less Follow Up Fatigue

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